Corrosion Control

Nasata Contracting & Services offering total corrosion solutions to the Oil, Gas, Petroleum, Energy, Marine, Offshore and Fertilizer sectors.

Cathodic Protection

Cathodic Protection, whether by sacrificial or impressed current system, is an extremely efficient and cost effective method of corrosion prevention, tested and proven worldwide. It is a viable and economic means of providing protection to assets which are costly to repair or replace and should always be considered when long term corrosion protection in hostile environments is a prime requirement.

Cleaning and Painting


Cathodic Protection

Cathodic Protection, whether by sacrificial or impressed current system, is an extremely efficient and cost effective method of corrosion prevention, tested and proven worldwide. It is a viable and economic means of providing protection to assets which are costly to repair or replace and should always be considered when long term corrosion protection in hostile environments is a prime requirement.

A considerable portion of the work is involved in the design and installation of Cathodic Protection systems for Onshore Pipelines, Tanks, Mounted Bullets and Plant Piping and Offshore Pipelines and for Sea going Vessels.

With an office well equipped for design/engineering, experienced engineers and technicians to implement projects with competence and efficiency, NASATA CONTRACTING & SERVICES undertakes a variety of CP related jobs.

These include:

  • Turnkey Cathodic Protection (Sacrificial and Impressed Current) of cross-country pipelines, plant piping, tank bottoms and offshore structures such as jetties.
  • CP related surveys such as soil resistivity surveys, Person surveys, Holiday detection surveys, Close Interval Potential Surveys (CIPS), current drainage surveys, DCVG surveys etc.
  • Monitoring and maintenance of existing CP systems.
  • Interference detection and mitigation measures.